Saturday, July 22, 2006

Attitude Adjustment

July 22, 1983, Friday

8:00am start. Cloudy day with no rain--perfect conditions for running. I ran the 62km to Noshiro fairly comfortably today.

Today I decided to work on changing my attitude. I am attempting to be more of a positive thinker and having more of a positive outlook during these runs. It seems to be working. I was feeling good today. Now I'm waving and smiling a lot more whenever I see people.

I reached Noshiro City Hall at 5:40pm, talked with news reporters there, then went to the Noshiro Kogyo High School to spend the night. The table tennis club is having their summer training camp here, so the team members are also staying overnight.

This is a much nicer place than I expected (the accommodations). In addition, the folks here are leaving me to do as I please.

Only 3 more days to go until I get to relax on the ship to the island of Hokkaido. That will be a nice break.

By the way, I am writing in ink now because I threw away the pencil to lighten my load. Yes, I am that conscious about the weight that I carry on my back.

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