Sunday, July 16, 2006

Cold Temps. in Niigata

July 16, 1983, Saturday

A cold rain was falling when I woke up this morning. Still, there was no choice but to head out for a 60km day. This may sound repetitive, but I'll say it again--My legs were sore and I didn't feel like running at all. I felt that way all day today.

I still ran most of the way though, but after lunch, I was really feeling it. Three runners from Niigata joined me from that point and accompanied me the rest of the way. The moral support was welcome and the guys were gentle on me. Gentle running is about all I can do now.

Being in the city of Niigata is interesting. It's a fairly good size and is famous for cold winters, with freezing winds blowing over from Siberia. There is an island off the coast (Sado) where prisoners were sent during the Edo period. The Tokugawa Shogunate also operated gold and silver mines on Sado Island. Refining of the gold and silver ores was also done there. Descriptions of the operation can be found in numerous picture scrolls (See Photo).

Only 9 more days until I leave the island of Honshu. I just can't wait to reach Hokkaido, or the land of Ezo as it was called in times past.

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